Monday, December 29, 2014

Catching up on news...

Chubi now lives in Aruba and is being well taken care of… 

His bronzes are polished, he is getting new lifelines, his sails are being repaired...
The varnish and paint inside are being redone and the upholstery renewed.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A new life...

Chubasco was ready for her sail to a new home. She was taken by the new owners from Caraballeda to Aruba arriving on the 16th of August 2014 around 3pm in 30 Kt of wind. She is now safe and sound and preparing for a new life of charter

Monday, March 03, 2014

Haul out Feb 2014

Ten days on the hard in Caraballeda for Antifouling and topsides paint, change of sacrificial Zns, change of a thru-hull valve, etc.

Two weeks in the Marina in front of the yard for varnish and more paint.